Th-ink in Systems An Intuitive introduction to Systems Theory

Urban Dynamics

Hey folks! We are back again; this time, we will analyze an exciting and complex system - a city, better called Urban Dynamics. We will try to model this system - it contains very interesting elements like housing, jobs, economic development, and a lot more. Acknowledgement: This case study has been borrowed from the course IE604 System Dyna... Read more

Systems Zoo - One Stock Systems

The last time we analyzed a system dynamics model, it was easy with just 1 stock, 2 flows, and 2 variables. The relationships between variables were very straightforward and simple. This time, we take another 1-stock system, but we try to go and model tinier details in an attempt to make the model as close to reality as possible. Note that... Read more

Learning Resources

Though systems science is very intuitive, it’s a bit tricky and challenging to grasp initially. However, with the right reading and practice to think cohesively, mastering the art is not a big deal. Here are some books which help us understand Systems Science intuitively. Thinking in Systems - A Primer - by Donella Meadows is an extreme... Read more

Basics of System Dynamics

By now, you must have realized that systems respond to stimuli differently based on the situation, time, and inherent structure. Systems evolve with time; even if they are made of inanimate objects, they tend to learn to respond optimally and display dynamic behavior. System Dynamics is a discipline that develops modeling methods for the inheren... Read more

About me and the Blog

Namaste World! Greetings from India! I am Soham Phanse, a final year Undergraduate from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at IIT Bombay. Since joining IIT Bombay, I have observed a lack of systems thinking perspective towards engineering problems in undergraduates, which is completely is natural, because no such courses are offered in ... Read more