Th-ink in Systems An Intuitive introduction to Systems Theory

System life cycle

Deploying any system is a complex deal. There are a lot of processes and decisions which go on into making a system operationally successful. In formal terms, these processes are called ‘System Life Cycle Phases.’ Let’s have a quick look at what these phases are: Concept Phase Development or Design phase Utilization Phase Maintainance ... Read more

What are requirements?

The last time we talked about identifying the problem and then ponder about different alternative solutions which can be implemented to solve the problem. This process in technical terms is called - expanding the solution space. Once we obtain a sizable population of solutions, we start applying different constraints to converge onto a single, m... Read more

Systems engineering

Now that we have discussed about Systems in great detail, lets have a look at how such real-world systems are developed and deployed. For clarity, lets take the example of the Railway transportation system in your city. What is the first thought that comes to your mind - when you hear ‘Railway Transportation System’? Yes, you guessed it right -... Read more

Systems design

“Systems Engineering - is an art of creating and managing complex designs.” Okay, so that’s basically something I made up myself, but yeah, y’all know people don’t value what one says, until its quoted in double quotes, which kinda makes people feel its special. Enough of it, back to the question. Valid question, if you expect a short but ... Read more

System hierarchy

For the ease of analysis and administration, systems are organized into subsystems, components and parts. Multiple systems are combined together to form a System of Systems. Let’s check’em out! Here I will be safely assuming that you already are well aware of what a system is, how it functions and how it is organized. What is a Subsystem? A sub... Read more