Th-ink in Systems An Intuitive introduction to Systems Theory

More on systems

By now, you must have understood how we can apply Systems Thinking to simple things and draw important conclusions. In the last article, we saw what a system is made of - elements, inter-relations, and function/purpose. In this post, let’s delve deeper into how systems are formed. A system is more that the sum of its parts. Lets understand... Read more

Stocks and flows

Lets understand what are Stocks and Flows which are the basic building blocks of a system. A stock is the memory of the history of changing flows within the system. A stock in simpleterms is the amount of available assets at present - which is decided by the nature of inflowsand outflows in the past. For instance the money in a bank account, ... Read more

Feedback - System Messengers

A feedback loop is formed when changes in a stock affect the flows into or out of that stock. It is kind of a control mechanism that affects and gets affected by the stock level at that point in time. Feedback loops can cause stocks to maintain their level within a range, grow or decline. The standard definition can be qouted as, “A feedback l... Read more

Causal Loop Diagrams

A causal loop diagram is a visual representation of how the variables in the system interact and are related to each other. The diagram consists of a set of nodes and edges. Nodes represent the variables (or stocks) and edges are the links that represent a connection or a relation between the two variables. A link marked positive indicates a ... Read more

What is a System?

What is a system? Think about it – we use the word system countlessly many times in our lives; for an instance, the e-ticketing system you use to plan and book tickets for your upcoming holiday, the traffic management system which manages the road traffic in your city, the public transportation system which you must have used to commute to coll... Read more